Winter Draws On

The clocks have gone back – houses are getting colder – heating turned up.

Over half of a typical household’s energy bills is spent on heating and hot water, so it’s important to stop wasting the heat you’ve paid for and reduce the amount of heat you need to make your home warm and comfortable during the cold winter months.

Perhaps the greatest impact on your energy bills is a well-insulated loft - it’s estimated that most households have a bare minimum of insulation but don’t have enough.

Here, the best advice is to top it up to at least the recommended level of 270mm of insulation and the thicker the better. Installing insulation is a financially rewarding DIY job but one that most people don’t look forward to.

We’ve made it easier and more pleasant by offering itch-free loft insulation.

Visit our webstore to order online and we’ll deliver to your door.


5 Tips how to save energy and to cut costs this winter!